In his book, “Fire, Ice and Paradise”, Leighton Steward describes the most recent ten thousand year time period as Paradise.

The most recent ten thousand years was and is the most tightly regulated, within a 4 degree range all the time and within a 2 degree range most of the time.  Temperature goes from warm to cool to warm to cool.  This occurred because the ocean levels got just right and the ocean currents got just right and the refined Polar Ice Cycles turn the snowfall on and off with small changes to ocean temperatures. It snows more when it is warm and it snows less when it is cold and it does not get too hot or too cold.
The difference that changed the old wider bounds into the new modern narrow bounds is the development and perfection of the Polar Ice Cycles.  This part of temperature regulation is really this simple.

The set point for Modern Earth Temperature is the temperature that Polar Sea Ice Freezes and Thaws. Polar Sea Ice provides the Thermostat for Earth Temperature.
Greenhouse gas cooling, 95% due to water vapor, does most of the cooling and keeps the heat balance in a range that allows Earth to use Polar Ice Cycles and the resulting Albedo for fine tuning of temperature. 
Occam’s Razor does hold true again.

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