Herman A (ALEX) POPE
Retired NASA Engineer and Climate Theorist
I served as an engineer with the National Aeronautic Space Administration at Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC) from 1963 to 2007. I have a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech. I worked on Gemini, Apollo, Space Shuttle, and Space Station missions that included the X-38, a wingless lifting body reentry vehicle used as a Crew Return Vehicle for the International Space Station (ISS).
I am a member of “The Right Climate Stuff”, a gathering of highly educated and experienced scientists and engineers from various disciplines. This group takes on the challenge of evaluating different sides of the climate change debate; the consensus climate advocates and those whose who question the alarmist relationship between CO2 and temperature changes in the Earth’s present and past climates. I will present my theory and talk about consensus theory and my concerns about consensus climate modeling, if we have enough time.
Words to explain each graphic chart will be found on the chart following it. If you are going through this without me, look at a graphic, read the following chart and come back.