In 2008, I attended a lecture at the Gilruth Center at NASA, Johnson Space Center that was hosted by the NASA Alumni League. The speaker was Tom Wysmuller. His website is:
Latter, I attended another lecture by Tom at a Climate conference at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Tom did teach about the climate theory of Maurice Ewing and William Donn. They developed their theory in the 1950's and it is still much more reasonable than modern, consensus, climate theory to explain Ice Ages and Global Warming. I have spent much time since then reading and learning as much as I can about climate and have developed my own climate theory. I do believe that Ewing and Donn were right, but earth has changed and modern temperature is in a different stable cycle in a different narrow range and this has lasted for ten thousand years.
In April of 2013 Tom Wysmuller sent me another paper by Ewing and Donn that was written in 1968. In this paper they have proposed a new more bounded climate cycle that matches with Pope's Theory. They did recognize that the most recent ten thousand years has a new, different, more narrowly bounded cycle that does not require ocean currents to be cut off from the Arctic. It only requires an ice cover that can be removed every time earth needs some more cooling.
In September of 2011, the Johnson Space Center Nasa Alumni League sponsored a Climate Symposium. I was one of the speakers. These Speakers were not Consensus Climate Scientists. The other speakers were: Walter Cunningham, Leighton Steward and Tom Wysmuller. Dr Harold Doiron made opening remarks that should be recognized with the other talks.
In October of 2011 the Alumni League sponsored another Climate Symposium with three Consensus Climate speakers. They were: Dr. Andrew Dressler, Dr. Barry Lefer and Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon.
I am communicating with Multiple Climate Scientists and Meteorologists and Others and trying to improve my knowledge and get every positive and negative feedback that is meaningful. For those who will not discuss skeptic opinions, if you think you are really right, talk to us, but you also need to listen and debate our opinions.
One Consensus Climate Scientist who jumped ship, provides a blog where people who disagree can express their opinions and post data. Look for Dr. Judith Curry's "Climate Etc." I provide a link on my "Links" page.
Click on the link to the Alumni League web site for more information about the Alumni League Activities, especially the Climate Activities.